Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Parabens and Products

So, it's been a little while since I've posted and I apologize for those who are keeping track. I have been doing lots of research! Truly, my goal for my products is to provide people with natural stuff. So, I want to help inform people of things after I learn them. I want people to know that I'm truly paying attention and not just trying to make a couple dollars off of something I make.
Boy does it take a lot of research though!!!

So, topic for today is about parabens. What do we know about them? Well, they are chemically based preservatives that are often used in cosmetics and soap products. Since Kind Light wants to aim for natural, we said "hmm, how can we make things that will suit our naturalists?" Well, I've come to a conclusion about one main thing- that if you want a really long shelf life (water and moist bacteria included) a little parabens are not as bad for our bodies as the commercial based stuff. Why? Because commercial products throw in A LOT of stuff and they have to compensate a really long shelf life with extreme amounts of parabens to avoid all their distributors getting angry..
The little man business though, we can use smaller dosages that don't actually affect your body in extreme ways. In fact, most concerns about parabens don't even exist within small cosmetic companies because the amount used is so slight. The goal is simply this- keeping product integrity. We don't want to provide you something that will go bad quickly. If we did that, then you might as well make it all at home (and not everyone has the time or money to maintain all the products and make them everyday).
A great alternative to Germaben (which is a slight paraben we use from time to time) is Grapefruit seed or Vitamin E, however- these wonderful additives may not be strong enough to ward off all those nasty bacteria types building their own immune systems.. So, while not exactly our favorite item- parabens are sometimes necessary. And although deemed harsh in large quantities (as most commercial products press in) it's actually deemed worthy in some products made from the small companies as it's intentions are not to harm the body but to keep harm out of the product and maintain its integrity.

I know that some may not agree- but after long hours of reading and research, this is my conclusion. I feel Kind Light deserves to be kept safe and shelf life long enough to truly enjoy.
I hope you all have a wonderful day!
Please leave comments kind if you have a compelling argument!
Thank you for reading,
Kristi- Kind Light Candles

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Today, a girl I know has had some troubles with finding a good guy. "Are there any left?" is a question that hangs so deeply over so many women. Then, there are the women who have good guys but the guys stopped showing their "good." It's not that these men stopped being good, they just aren't the great and wonderful hero that they once were---why? Because they got complacent.
So what are the results of both these kind of scenarios- Lack of self-appreciation, extra self-doubt, and a hint of self-pity. It's not a bad thing that we have pity for ourselves because this shows that we are human, and that us women have feelings and they aren't being validated or cared for properly. So, if the guys aren't going to care...then the pity reminds us that we still do. The problem with self-pity though...is that it's blended with lack of self-appreciation and extra self-doubt... This combination is successful in bringing a person to depression, resentment and most of all- No more love for self.

So, what do we do in cases like this? Well there are a few ways to handle this but I have to tell you ladies, they aren't sensitive ways and unless you are truly ready to make a change then your success at these "ways" will find your result right back in the hole you tried to climb out of.
My suggestion are steps that will lead you to your favored destination. I am not an expert at any of this, but I am an expert at failing miserably and learning the hard way (aren't we all :P ).

1. Wake up tomorrow and actually go to the bathroom and look at your dead sexy self and say "I am important and only I can make me feel this way."
2. Once you have cried it out and given yourself reason to feel sad but empowered at the same time (yes, this is possible), get ready... get a shower in, (DON'T sit on the couch first and watch TV), and put a little make up on. If you don't feel you need make-up than at least do your hair... not even you love yourself looking like you don't care... Put on a little music while you do this, dance to it... shake "yo" booty in front of that mirror and laugh at how dorky you look...it's ok.
3. If you have gotten through all this without crying- GOOD FOR YOU! If not, then you need to revamp your mind. Before you walk out of the bathroom after fixing yourself up to YOUR liking- say "Dang girl, You know you got it!" Giggle at how goofy it sounds and say one more thing, "You are going to be ok..."
4. I guarentee you have a lump in your throat by now so guess what, go step outside and take a breath of that very brisk air and give that lump a reason to be there. A little fresh air will do you good anyway.
5. If you have somewhere to go, then do your duties and get busy.
6. If you don't have somewhere to go...get busy anyway. I don't care if your dishes are done or if your kid is taking a nap... GET BUSY. An idle mind asks for reasons to doubt yourself.
7. Hopefully, all day you have been busy and only allowed a few breaks in between to relax. Don't let yourself get back in that funk of curling up on the couch...it only leads to bad things.
8. Here comes the harsh part. The reason a man may have stopped trying, is because YOU stopped caring about YOU. This isn't a lesson on how to make a man love you...its about how to make YOU love YOU. Men are about as dense as the ocean... but they are very aware of waves. If you stopped stirring, they stop too.
9. If you think that you have put 100% in and that you 100% love yourself and he still isn't trying... then guess what. It's time to put your focus on him down and start living for you. We all know he's disappointing you. We all know you have built up a resentment and he probably isn't living up to your expectations. So, why do you keep holding expectations for him when you already know he's going to fail? If you can't be 100% for you, then how can you expect him to be 100% for you also? "Well, I'd just be happy if he was 50% for me!" You say... Sure, but have you been 50% for you also?
10. You can only expect what you put in. If what you put in is all you can give and he still is as dim as the moment right before sunrise.. then girl, you are putting way too much toward him and not putting enough toward yourself. YOU HAVE GOT TO CARE about YOU.
11. I have noticed some selfish moments about women and we get in this place where I see them wanting a man to live around their schedule. First off, what did I say about expectation? If a man wanted you to be the same way...what would be the first reaction "pshh...he's got another thing comin'"...... So, make a schedule for yourself and don't expect him to live by it but include him in it. If he doesn't want to be a part of that schedule... That's HIS choice. We are all entitled to our own choices and its not always going to be yours.

If you have taken the necessary steps.. the results may be lifted self-appreciation and even a sense of "I can live without him." Some women will see this as a selfish route and it's not if you don't make it. It's not a matter of being selfish and kicking him out but its a matter of being satisfied with yourself and the plans you want to live by. If he doesn't catch up to the program and start living life in a way where he courts you.. Then that's his loss. You CAN live without him, the goal is reminding him that you don't want to. If you become confident in yourself and the life you want to lead, he will help you make the decision by showing you one of two things- that he wants to be the man you "need" and wants to actively participate in your relationship, or.... He will continue to live life dense and untrying because he stopped being confident in himself. If this is the case.. then that's something HE needs to work on.

If you are married- I am not for or against divorce. I have had my own and it took a while to find a guy who wanted to be the best he can be...for himself and for me. But, if you are on a course toward divorce, be sure to think about separating first and see how that goes. Don't separate and think he's going to come around. Separate and focus on you. Get determined to love yourself again---TO KNOW YOURSELF again. Love is more than just the romance, its learning to appreciate and understand. If only one of you is doing this, then this needs to be addressed.

Like I said, I am not an expert and you don't have to listen to my advice. But one thing I know for certain.. is until you start appreciating yourself...how can you expect anyone else to?
God bless!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Everyone's a Critic- Soap Talk

About three weeks ago, I wrote a blog about soap and the concerns people have regarding glycerin/glycerol or what we put on our bodies. I am friends with a few naturalists and these people (God Love em because so do I) are my hardest individuals to please when talking pure, natural and healthy- oh and lets not get started on FDA/FDC (or government in general)----- We all know the government is considerably controlling. And while many people purposefully ignore the controlling things that are going on (Recent example- SOPA) there are many people adamant about sharing the truth.
So. To get back on track in regards to what I do- I am a candle maker and I like to make soaps.. amazingly though- soaps are a bigger hit than my candles right now. So, I decided... if soap is going to be something worth investing in.. then I want to provide people a product that I feel proud of. And because I know a few critical naturalists... I figured "well, only way to argue is to know what I'm talking about."
First. I want to clarify that I am not putting down my naturalist and truth seeking friends because they have a lot of great knowledge and without their critical skepticism, I wouldn't be doing my research.
This is going to be a fairly informational read so, if you don't want to learn today.. I will have other posts that are simple and sweet another day.

So here are some things I have found through my research from many different resources:

1. Glycerol is a pure alcohol mixed with many different other things to create its usage. Also, glycerol is actually naturally in ALL animal and vegetable fats and oils- only its in the form of an ester or glyceride (seen as maybe triglyceride). ANYTHING that even remotely has the "G-L-Y-C" in it is a form of glycerol.

2. Glycerin is a product that many people argue because of its "moisturizing" results... Natural (unmixed liquid) glycerin is so powerful that it can blister a tongue but when mixed with other products, it can actually make for important results. It is very popular in the use of soap as it does have purpose. It can help pull your own body's moisture from your pores to help keep the skin moisturized. A little bit goes a long way and just about any skin product has some form of glycerin in it... but because its not very extreme (like mentioned oils  above and the form of esters) its not put on your ingredient list. Moisture can be locked (by oils) in or pulled out... some form of glycerol. Again, I mention that the closest oil to our body's chemistry is Jojoba oil (taught to me by Jolene Aguilar).

3. Our bodies are sponges and will absorb many things... Back in the old days- people used actual animal fats and plant ashes to wash their body... So, to think- their bodies were soaking in all that yummy fatty oils along with plant ashes to help "cleanse."  -----These days, soap is much more subtle in their products and what we soak in (but can also be pretty harmful- which is why I have stated in my previous post "do your research. And be mindful of what you use." Our bodies even soak in particles in the air (which explains a lot about acne). Or you could talk about what we eat and how our skin responds to it... That's always a fun topic. Truth on that can make anyone not want to eat processed foods for awhile. "Just don't think about" is a few sentences you'd hear at the dinner table...

4. I did a little research on castile soap and even looked into Dr. Bronner- They mention their ingredients and I am happy to say that they use Sodium Hydroxide (a name used with lye. If lye is not melted properly...it is actually more harmful than glycerin. It is the result of saponification - fats/oils plus lye = soap)  or Potassium Hydroxide- (mixture of sodium hydroxide and potassium) with a ** next to it... down on the bottom they state:   "** None remains after converting oils to fatty acids and glycerin" -  --- Yes you read right.. glycerin.  Castile soap can be made by olive oil, cold water, and lye (you can choose to add essential oils if you want scent). (One more note on lye... if people state they have glycerin soap... lye still exists in it but it isn't the largest ingredient- this is because without lye.. soap is not possible).

5. I even went so far as to understand the extraction of olive oil (or vegetable oil in general)- Extracting oil is a process and while is widely understood as considerably pure- guess whats in olive oil---- triglyceride esters- in the name of fatty acids. What did I say earlier about triglyceride esters????

6. So. This is my conclusion of glycerin.... If used properly and scientifically combined properly-- it can in fact be a very useful product in your soap. It exists...whether people like it or not. The best decision you can make though is to be very clear on what you choose to use.

Hopefully I was able to educate some people and hopefully I haven't upset too many naturalists.. Remember, I have a high respect for your knowledge and if you can add any information to this topic... Please be my guest. I enjoy learning and will appreciate your support or arguments either way. We all need to learn how to better, naturally, take care of our bodies...

Have a great day to all you information seekers!


Saturday, January 7, 2012

You've lost weight!

Almost all women love this phrase. We feel good even if we are telling it to other women. It's almost ingrained in us to puff our little feathers when we hear or say it. So what do we do to acheive this phrase from others? Some women are just lucky and dont change a thing. Those ones make me crinkle my nose and pout.
So what do us normal women, who have to fight the urge to stick that piece of chocolate cake in our mouths because we know we will see it tomorrow, do to keep the weight off? How many companies do we have to try until we find one that works for us, because just changing our diet and adding a little skip to our step while cleaning isn't working?
I have come to terms that unless you go out there and at least try, you will never know.
Today is my 4th day on the 7 day challenge of the pink drink. I have heard that phrase and felt good because I can even feel the difference. I love it! Now, is it something I will keep doing? Probably not, because I know that all I need is a boost. I just need that extra energy pusher so that when I go on my own... I will be even more proud of what I'VE accomplished.
Do I think its worth the try? Definitely.
After my 7 day challenge, I move to the detoxing wraps of ItWorks! I will fill you in on that when the time comes!
To all my ladies out there, trying to hear that special phrase... You CAN! Just believe and find your way... It will happen! Be persistent, consistent and determined. You never know how bad you want something until you find yourself working hard for it.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

What are you putting on your body?

Keeping up my daily goals!
I have done a lot of reading about soaps today and have found that just about any base needs to have some sort of "acid" and "oil" to establish the soap (which creates a salt base). So, what are the good kinds and bad kinds? Good question. While I am still in the process of research, I have found that many of our store bought soaps are actually all out of the good kinds. While their ingredients state some of the "good" names, the overall ingredients are diluted and of no use for us.
A skin care line called L'bri has wonderful natural skin products used with aloe instead of water, however they too carry some shared names of soap like "chemicals" that are necessary. It's not exactly chemicals though, its the stuff made through natural products that just happen to scientifically form through melting and curing.
While all this might be a little scientific talk, the point is- what you are putting on your body is important but the only way you are going to truly understand whats good for you, is to read up on your science. Who knew that chemistry and biology would actually come in handy for us one day?
Soaps- I have learned, in order to be the good kind and still remain as naturally as possible- still needs to contain glycerin or sodium hydroxide (also mentioned as Lye). The best thing that can be said about this is that soap needs to be melted just right so that all the "bad" stuff that comes from these two scientific names are melted out, creating a good soap.

Now, there will be other names that are similar to sodium hydroxide that is actually formed by other oils- such as coconut oil. You will see sodium laurate or glycerol in your products (you may even see cocoate). Now, many have argued back and forth about the "good" in glycerin or glycerol but in reality, the goal is to moisturize and the only way to do this is to help your body to retain its personal oils. These scientific names mentioned have all been deemed worthy of sharing this responsibility. Which is why its used in so many cosmetic products.

Hopefully I haven't lost you yet, as this is all very interesting but confusing stuff. A good friend of mine shared with me one oil that I believe could be the trick to helping create such a good moisturizing product that may go along with glycerin or sodium hydroxide but is formulated to be "the closest thing to our biological oils"- this oil.... Jojoba oil. 

Now that I have gone through all this scientific stuff, my hope for you is that you will take the extra time to check over your bottles and bars of soaps and skin care and read very carefully about the things that are in there. The first ingredients are usually the main ones. While I may not have the science down exactly (and I would be glad for someone to prove me wrong), I do know that skin care is important. What you do to your skin at an early age, will catch up to you. And what you AREN'T doing now can hinder down the road. 

It's been said that for every night you don't wash your face, you add a couple days of aging. With that said, be kind to your skin and wash- but wash with care and concern for what your product is made of.

My recommendation- go homemade, and if you can't make it. Find someone who does. Store bought is often more harmful than any other kind out there. 

May your hygiene be important enough for you to get aware.

Have a good night all!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Lots to learn.

Well, I did a lot of searching and reading today. My brain is just about to shut down for the night. But I can say that I have learned-----I still have a lot to learn. My candle business is slowly coming together and once I have more supplies, I will be on overdrive.
Also, I am very excited about trying some soap making to see how that turns out. I definitely want some oatmeal aloe soap bars!
I will be looking at some homework tonight and get it prepared for my Thursday routine. Some days I am just so tired of being a student. I'm 26 years old and feel like I've been in school all my life (which for the most part, excluding about 6 years of it... yep).
I started my 7 day pink drink challenge. www.whypinkdrink.com is hookin' me up. I hope to see a little results in 6 days.
Oh, I am currently reading a book by Katherine Pine called Beloved Purgatory. It is the 2nd book of her Fallen Angels series. She is such an inspiration for self-publishing and going from one 2.99 book off Kindle to getting pretty well known! I'm so proud to know her!
Well, lots to get done today and I'm sorry this has been more of a diary entering than full on knowledgeable but trust me, when I have something good to say... a post will be much longer than this and probably more organized.

Have a wonderful night folks!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Making Resolutions: Let's share!

So, we have entered 2012 and many of us have chosen to make a resolution! My husband calls me an "over-achiever" but I am pretty excited to make more than one:
1. To lose weight (Many argue with me and think I don't need to lose weight but my back and body felt so much better 30 lbs ago).
2. Grow Kind Light Candles into something I can truly be proud of and see flourish (Even if I don't make a living off of it just yet, I have hopes).
3. Enjoy quality time with the ones I love.
4. Write and just maybe self-publish a book.
5. Sign up with L'bri (A wonderful skin care product that is aloe based, not water- ask me more if you are interested as most any other body product lists "water/aqua" as their first ingredient).
6. And finally- Maintain a good grade point average at my master's degree while I balance it all. :)

While we all have resolutions and half the time we don't keep them... I have full intentions to do my best at all of these. And to help keep me accountable, I will be posting blogs to let people know how I am doing throughout the year (yes, on each topic). I will do my best to blog once a day. These blogs will share topics related to my resolutions, along with my own "check in." I will gladly do reviews for companies I try in regards to all these topics, as well as hopefully share with people some novels I read along the way. I am determined for 2012 to begin and maintain projects that mean something to me. Will you join me in this? Will you share your resolutions with me? I would be glad to see how everyone does!

Until tomorrow- Have a wonderful night!
- Kristi

Monday, January 2, 2012

Pinterest and a few forums have become my new best friend. As 2012 begins, my creativity is shooting off like rockets. I have so many ideas for Kind Light Candles and am extremely excited about the possibilities (as they are unlimited!).
Kind Light Candles has in store for people:
Traditional candles in mason jars, votive holders and tea light forms (these are added to other unique glass holders).
Unique candles that range from being in special glass shapes and sizes- to different shapes for themselves.
Seasonal (such as Valentine's Day that comes in a month and a half!)
And a few different forms of candles that are still in secret mode.
Then Kind Light Candles also has some opportunities opening for making soap and lotion like products. Keep in mind that our intentions are to only provide healthy and safe products, this product line will be more of gifts until we are sure they are perfect selling items.

Creativity is growing with every "like", "pin it" and share! Be on the look out for what we have in store soon! I'm excited, I hope you are too!

<3 Kristi- Kind Light Candles